I wanted to share a conference with you that was held here at the University of Pennsylvania last March. I found it extremely pertinent to issues of human rights and humanitarian relief - here, there, everywhere. This is a long presentation, but certainly worth a ten-minute glimpse. Any of you involved in the medical field might consider watching this in full, for reasons of professional development. The title of this blog posting will link you directly to the conference's web site, where you will find videos of each presentation. I tried to include them here, but unfortunately the file sizes are too large. Instead, here is the presentation schedule.
Love to you all!
- Maisha
8:30-9:30 a.m. Keynote Address: Global Health: A Declaration of Interdependence
- Introduction: Steve Larson, MD, Assistant Dean, Global Health Programs, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
- Speaker: Richard Guerrant, MD, Director, Center for Global Health, University of Virginia School of Medicine
Dr. Richard Guerrant is an internationally-recognized expert on enteric infections. He is the founder and Director of the Center for Global Health (CGH) at the University of Virginia (UVA), School of Medicine. The CGH draws students from UVA’s Schools of Medicine, Nursing, Law, Commerce, Engineering, and Arts & Sciences. Students travel to Latin America, Africa, and Asia, building new relationships and helping to strengthen and diversify the institution’s long-standing research exchanges with international partners. This support of emerging leaders in the US and abroad contributes to developing a critical mass of scientists and health professionals working to improve the health of people globally.
9:30-10:45 a.m. Clean Water: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Global Health Problems
Ensuring the health and wellness of global communities requires a collaborative effort that brings scientists and health care providers together with educators, government leaders, economists, and community representatives. Using the central theme of water and sanitation, this panel will highlight strategies for a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to global health and community wellness.
- Richard Guerrant, MD, University of Virginia School of Medicine
- Samantha Beers, Esq., EPA
- Stanley Laskowski, Philadelphia Global Water Initiative
- Shannon Márquez, MEng, PhD, Temple University College of Health Professions MPH Program
11:00-12:30 p.m. Collaborative Partnerships in Global Health
Over the past decade, the health and wellness of global communities has received considerable attention in the news. A diverse group of participants ranging from private industry to academic institutions can now be found on the frontlines of global health. A central theme for effective collaboration in global health involves capacity building and sustainability. This panel will highlight a variety of models and approaches intended to achieve these results.
- Stephen Gluckman, MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Botswana)
- David Spiegel, MD, CHOP (WHO)
- Anthony Sauder, PE, PG (Engineers Without Borders)
- Debra Abraham, MSN, RN University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing (Hospital Albert Schweitzer)
1:30-3:30 p.m. Advisory Panel : Multi-Disciplinary Opportunities in Global Health
The rapidly growing interest in global health is a shared phenomenon experienced by schools across PENN’s campus. This panel provides an opportunity for students to learn more about Global Health career opportunities among a variety of diverse disciplines.
- Marjorie Muecke, RN, PhD, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing Global Health Affairs
- Neal Nathanson, MD, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine Global Health Programs
- Stephen Sammut, University of Pennsylvania Wharton
- Robert Collins, DMD, MPH, University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine
- Sarah Paoletti, Esq., University of Pennsylvania Law School
- Hong Truong, University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering, PENN Engineers Without Borders
- Giang Nguyen, MD, MPH, University of Pennsylvania MPH Program
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